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Online Counseling

You're driving and it's rush hour traffic. The navigation on your phone is competing with the music and you miss a turn. You rushed out of the house to be on time, but now the commute to your session is dragging your already sad mood through more of life's stressors.

Therapy should help make life less stressful.

Telementalhealth services are available to clients anywhere in the state of Florida via confidential video counseling.


Get the help you deserve even if you're unable to make it in person.

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Q: How Do I know if online counseling is for me?


A: If you have a busy schedule, you want to save time and money on gas, you want flexibility in your day, then virtual therapy is the right fit.


Q: Is it HIPPA compliant?


A: Yes.

Q: Do I need special software?


A: No you just need access to the internet, a wifi connection, and a working video camera & microphone on your computer, tablet, or phone.


Q: How can I be sure it's confidential?


A: Your privacy is of great value that's why telementalhealth services are done in a quiet, confidential office space. It's recommended that you also find a quiet, confidential space so as to offer as much privacy for you to feel comfortable on your end.

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